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10 Recommended Hot Spring Hotels and Onsen in Kyoto

On a trip to Kyoto, visiting hot springs can be a great way to unwind after a day of exploring and to experience an essential part of Japanese “onsen” culture. So here we’ll look at 10 great hot spring hotels and onsen in Kyoto.

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What is an onsen?

Before we get to the good stuff though, there are a few words you need to familiarize yourself with!

For those concerned about privacy, as well as renting out a bath, many ryokan and onsen hotels have rooms with their own private baths. We’ll make sure to note which ones do in our 10 recommendations below!

10 Recommended Hot Spring Hotels and Onsen in Kyoto

1. HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa


First up is the stylish and spacious HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO. It first opened its doors as recently as 2020 and effortlessly brings together a modern style and a traditional atmosphere.


This is an onsen hotel using hot spring water from Kyoto Nijo Onsen. It’s a great choice for first-time onsen goers, as their mixed-gender “Thermal Spring” bath requires guests to enter in their bathing suit.


There is also the option to rent out the Private Onsen for 1-2 hours at an extra cost. This luxurious space includes a garden and living room area perfect for couples. This is also a good option for those with tattoos, as they are not allowed in the Thermal Spring.


As well as the bathing facilities, HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO also has top-of-the-line spa and wellness services, and the entire hotel is beautifully styled with warm wood and inviting décor. The hotel’s garden was designed by Shunsaku Miyagi in a modern recreation of the site’s former purpose as the Mitsui residence, with the rooms themselves perfectly in-keeping with the tone. Some rooms even have wide open views of the neighboring Nijo Castle.

HOTEL THE MITSUI KYOTO, a Luxury Collection Hotel & Spa
Nakagyo-ku Nijo-sagaru Aburano-koji St. Nijoaburanokoji-cho 284, Kyoto, Kyoto

2. Kyo no Minshuku Ohara no Sato


Moving onto something more traditional, Kyo no Minshuku Ohara no Sato has been in business for over 40 years, and has cultivated a warm and welcoming space to take in Kyoto’s natural scenery.


This is a “minshuku,” (guest house) which is a bit different to a ryokan. At a ryokan, there are typically set times that meals are served to you, and that the futons are placed or removed. However, at a minshuku, food is served in the dining area, and you look after the futons yourself. It is like a Japanese bed and breakfast. Bathrooms and toilets are shared.


Ohara no Sato has three different kinds of bath, an indoor bath (uchiburo), a half-outdoor bath (han-rotenburo), and a “goemonburo.” Here, the goemonburo is what sets it apart from other Kyoto onsen spots. It is an outdoor bath about 2 meters wide made with wood and metal. It …

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