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2023 Tokyo Fireworks Guide: Your Ultimate Calendar for Summer in Japan

As summer approaches, Japan’s cities prepare to light up the skies with dazzling fireworks displays, and Tokyo is no exception. This year is particularly special, as several fireworks festivals are restarting after being canceled due to the pandemic.

With several shows happening across the city, it can be hard to keep track of them all. That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate Tokyo Fireworks Guide – your comprehensive calendar to help you plan your summer in Japan. From traditional events steeped in history to cutting-edge displays that push the boundaries of pyrotechnics, our guide has everything you need to know to make the most of Tokyo’s summer fireworks season.

So grab your yukata, find a good spot, and get ready to experience the magic of Tokyo’s summer skies!

July Tokyo Fireworks

Sumida River Fireworks Festival 2023 (July 29, 7 PM – 8:30 PM)

The Sumida River Fireworks Festival is Tokyo’s oldest and most iconic fireworks show. Dating back to 1733, this historic event draws thousands of visitors every year and is even broadcasted on TV.

And, in fact, you may have already seen this majestic event at the museum without realizing it! “Fireworks at Ryōgoku” is a stunning depiction of a vibrant summer festival in Edo, captured with Hiroshige’s signature style in the ninety-eighth print of his acclaimed series.

The festival takes place along the Sumida River, with two main venues stretching from the Sakurabashi Bridge downstream to Kototoibashi Bridge upstream, and from Komagata Bridge downstream to Umayabashi Bridge upstream.

Venue 1 is famous for the competition between two rivaling guilds of pyrotechnicians, who showcase their incredible skills in a colorful and mesmerizing display. The masterful craftsmanship and precision of each fireworks display are breathtaking, and the friendly competition between the guilds adds an extra layer of excitement to the event.

Meanwhile, Venue 2 features a stunning display of over 20,000 fireworks, creating a magical atmosphere that lights up the night sky.

After being canceled for several years due to the pandemic, the Sumida River Fireworks Festival is making a much-anticipated return in 2023. Don’t miss the chance to experience the tradition, culture, and beauty of this iconic event that has been delighting spectators for almost three centuries.

Sumida River Fireworks Festival
Sakurabashi Lower Sumida-ku-Kotobashi Upper (1st venue), Komagata-bashi Lower-Kamabashi (2nd venue)

Adachi Fireworks Festival 2023 (July 22)

The Adachi Fireworks Festival is Tokyo’s early-bird fireworks show, marking the opening of the fireworks season. Held in late July, the festival features hundreds of different fi…

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