What About Japan’s Matcha Green Tea Surprises Foreigners So Much?
Matcha – powdered green tea – is a traditional Japanese drink used in the tea ceremony, but recently it has also been used in sweets and lattes and is loved by people of all ages. Its slightly bitter flavor seems to be well accepted by foreigners as well.
In this issue, we asked foreigners who live or have lived in Japan what surprised them about matcha. We asked them to tell us what they thought of matcha when they first tried it, their favorite matcha sweets, and other surprising episodes related to matcha. (The following is the personal opinion of those who responded to our survey.)
main image: PIXTA
Matcha flavor and real matcha, too much of a taste gap!
Image: PIXTA
The most common reason was the gap between the “matcha flavor” in sweets and other products and the “real matcha tea” taste. Some said it was too bitter or too sweet compared to their imagination.
“I've had matcha-flavored chocolate before, so I thought the real matcha tea would taste similar, but I was surprised ..