In Japan's Nijigen no Mori, an anime theme park on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture, an insanely cool life-sized Godzilla attraction is now open. At the Godzilla Intercept Operation, you can enjoy a variety of fun themed events, from zip-lining into Godzilla's mouth and shooting games.
Godzilla Intercept Operation: National Godzilla Awajishima Research Center
Here at Awaji Island, you'll encounter a 120m real-sized sculpture of Godzilla (the world's largest)! With everything themed entirely around Gozilla, you can participate as a member of the National Godzilla Awajishima Research Center, battle against the beast, check out the original Godzilla Museum – plus chow down on original snacks and more!
Godzilla Theme Park Attraction #1: Theater
▲Godzilla Theater, where you can watch original stories
The theme park's theater shows an exclusive original video about Godzilla's arrival on Awaji Island, and the lead-up to your mission. With a cast including Hirona Yamazaki and Satoru Matsuo, and with assistant director Nakagawa Kazuhiro supervising, it's got all the hallmarks of an action flick to get you in the mood for the park.
▲ Hirona Yamazaki (Researcher Saegusa)
Attraction #2: Zip Line
Encounter the life-sized Godzilla! After wearing a safety harness, you can experience two courses. For the first (and fearless), you can zipline straight into Godzilla's mouth and explore inside! For the second, you can study and check Godzilla's body. Gather your courage, feel the realism – and confront Godzilla up close!
Attraction #3: Shooting
In the shooting game, you use special guns to annihilate Godzilla cells. Dodge attacks from the cells and keep attacking to get a high score!
Hello Kitty Smile Awaji Island: Resort and Attraction that Grown-Up Fans will Enjoy!
Attraction #4: Godzilla Museum
▲A 3D model from the movie "Shin Godzilla"
The world's first permanent Godzilla Museum! Here you can have a look at the models and buildings used in the filming of the movie "Shin Godzilla."
Also, there are over 100 other models of monsters on display, plus figures and props for the Toho movies and sketches for animation, letting you see the evolution of the series over time.
Another must-see for Godzilla fans is the museum shop, which has over 200 kinds of items, some of which are exclusive to the Godzilla Theme Park.
▲Original products sold in the museum shop
Attraction #5: Original Foods!
▲Godzilla Curry
The Godzilla theme park also offers themed food like a spicy Godzilla Curry made using the local onions of Awaji Island; a Godzilla Burger, a hamburger arranged in the form of the monster's tail, plus 12 other dishes and desserts to enjoy.
▲Godzilla Burger
Covid-19 Measures
To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Nijigen no Mori prioritizes the health and safety of guests and staff, and implements the following measures, hoping to make tourists feel at ease in the facilities:
・Alcohol sanitizer is installed at the entrance of am…