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Toyosu Fish Market Dining Guide (2022 Updated): Introducing Mouthwatering Delicacies You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

The Toyosu Fish Market plays a central role in Japanese food culture! Here you’ll find unique and delicious dishes approved by market workers, chefs, and food experts. It’s become more accessible to visit since its move from Tsukiji in 2018, making it a culinary stop for many!
Currently, operating hours have been shortened from 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to avoid the spread of Covid-19. Although, even before hour changes, many of the market’s shops opened early in the morning and closed past noon. A simple rule for market goers is to get there early!
This article will be introducing general information on the Toyosu Fish Market, such as operating hours and how to access the facility. We also tried some of the market’s delicious foods and have included our recommendations like sushi and set meals! Check out the restaurants we’ve made 2022 reports on as well as updates on some of the most popular spots!
*In order to avoid the spread of Covid-19, Toyosu Market had prohibited the general market from entering the facility. However, as of April 25, 2022, it has opened up again. Visitors are asked to oblige to temperature checks upon entry. Also, make sure to bring and wear a mask!

When are Toyosu Market restaurants open and what are their hours?

There are a total of 39 dining establishments in the Toyosu Fish Market. These are spread among the three main market areas as follows: 3 shops on the first floor of the Fruit and Vegetables area, 13 shops on the third floor of the Office Management area, and 22 shops on the third floor of the Marine Products Intermediate Wholesaler area.
The hours during which the general public can use these facilities are the same as the hours during which tours of the market are possible, that is to say, between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (as of July 2022).
However, most of the shops stay open until after noon and then close in the afternoon. It is best to check the hours of operation of those places you intend to visit ahead of time because the hours of operation vary from shop to shop.
The peak time for almost all of them is around 11:00 a.m. and they are usually crowded with lines of customers waiting to get in.
That being the case, if you want to sample certain gourmet dishes, you had best try to get there early in the morning. Taking into consideration the working hours of those working at the market, the best times for you to visit are between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Additionally, the Toyosu Fish Market is easily accessible by public transportation. The closest train …

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